Trees near pools can be very beautiful, but are often a headache for pool maintenance. Debris from trees can dirty the water, stain plaster, clog filters, and throw off PH.
Planting Around Pools
When installing new landscaping around a pool, we generally recommend against planting trees. We suggest planting shrubs, vines, cacti, succulents, and small palms.
Trimming Trees Around Pools
For trees already growing around a pool, we recommend trimming them away from the pool, and thinning them out as much as possible to reduce issues with debris.
Removing Trees Near Pool
Sometime the best option for property owners is just to remove trees that have been planted too close to the pool.
Cool Decking
Cool decking is very common around pools in Las Vegas. Cool decking can be easily damaged by branches and logs, or even just heavy trodding of boots or careless placement of tools. Extra care is needed to not scratch or chip cool decking during work operations.
Debris In Pool
No matter what, it’s almost guaranteed that debris will find it’s way into the pool during tree work. Even if you use a giant tarp to cover the pool, something will find its way in. We are very thorough in our cleanup. We always skim the pool when we are finished, and vacuum when necessary. We can also give referrals for a follow up with a professional pool company.
Call or fill out our online contact form today to schedule your free consultation.