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How To Change Blades On A Commercial Wood Chipper - Altec DC 912A

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

This is a basic tutorial on how to change disc chipper blades on a professional wood chipper. The make and model shown is a 2006 Altec DC 912A. Your chipper may be different, check your operating or repair manual for specifications and warnings.

Follow shut down lock out procedure.

disc cover bolts on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Remove bolts from the discharge chute/disc cover assembly.

discharge chute lined up with disc housing on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Rotate the shoot to the left side of the chipper, in line with the disc housing.

open discharge chute and disc housing assembly on Altec DC 912A professional

Carefully open the upper disc housing/discharge chute assembly.

installing disc locking pin on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Position the disc and install disc locking pin.

anvil screw to be adjusted on Altec DC 912A professional wood chipper

Loosen anvil screws (do not remove) and push anvil back to achieve maximum clearance between anvil and blade

removing chipper blade bolts on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Remove blade bolts. Do not use impact tool to remove or install blades.

removing old chipper blades on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Remove blades.

removed blades and cleaned blade mounting surface on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Clean blade mounting surfaces.

new blades installed on Altec DC 912A commercial wood chipper

Install new blades and bolts. Torque to specifications listed in manual.

Rotate the disc until one set of knives is adjacent to the anvil.

Slide the anvil forward until there is a 1/16th inch gap between the anvil and blade.

Tighten the adjusting bolts and nuts.

Using a light observe the distance between the anvil and knives. Slowly and carefully rotate the disc and insure consistent distance between anvil and ALL knives.

Replace all guards and covers.

And get back to work!!!!

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